Richard Barrera elected Secretary-Treasurer and CEO of the San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council, AFL-CIO

Barrera succeeds Lorena Gonzalez after her election to the 80th Assembly District

Lorena Gonzalez resigned her position as Secretary-Treasurer and CEO of the San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council, AFL-CIO on Wednesday, May 22, 2013, one day after being elected to represent California’s 80th Assembly District.

“I’ve worked side by side with Lorena for years, and I have always been proud to have her at the head of this Labor Council and as the best advocate that working families in San Diego could have asked for,” said Mickey Kasparian, President of the San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council and UFCW Local 135. “I couldn’t be happier that, along with Myrtle Cole, this Labor Council is able to mark the end of Lorena’s tenure by electing two of our own to champion labor and workers’ rights as they represent San Diego.”

After announcing her resignation on Wednesday, May 22, 2013, Gonzalez asked for support of her recommendation of Richard Barrera to succeed her as Secretary-Treasurer and CEO of the San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council. Later Wednesday evening, Richard Barrera was unanimously recommended for the position by the Labor Council Executive Board and elected the next Secretary-Treasurer and CEO by Labor Council delegates at their monthly meeting.

“Lorena’s leadership of this Labor Council is the stuff of legend, and I’m honored to continue the work that she’s led for so many years,” said Barrera after his election by Labor Council delegates. “Working families have built tremendous power for themselves in San Diego, and I can’t wait to keep pushing to grow our middle class, protect workers on the job, and stay on the path to achieve economic justice for every San Diegan.”

“I’ve worked with Richard for years and seen him in action on behalf of working people here in San Diego, and I know his drive and commitment will lead the Labor Council to continued success,” Kasparian continued after Barrera’s election. “I’m excited for Richard’s vision as we all look to build an even stronger movement for working families in San Diego.”

Barrera will complete the four year term to which Gonzalez was elected on March 28, 2012, expiring in 2016.

There is no word as to his position as an elected representative to San Diego Unified School Board.
