Ron Morrison or Louie Natividad for Mayor? Not much of a choice for the voters!


After 22 years on the National City, city council, 14 years as a council member and 8 years as the city’s Mayor, we would normally consider it time for a Ron Morrison retirement party!

Serving the common good of the people should not become a life time career, but instead we should be seeing an influx of new and fresh leadership. Without this fresh influx the people end up with situations such as the recent scandal within the Sweetwater School Board where complacency and a good old boy system takes hold that ensures the continued re-election of the incumbent to office.

La Prensa had hoped that the residents of National City would get a viable alternative to Morrison. Unfortunately the person who decided to run against him, Louie Natividad, is not that alternative.

There are so many issues with Louie, starting with the fact that he recently lost his retirement savings to a swindler who took over $90K from him! How can anyone except Louie to administer a $36 million dollar city budget, when he couldn’t manage his own finances? Furthermore, a plea was made by a family member to donate money to help Louie out. This was not the first time that a public plea had been made on behalf of Louie to help him out financially.

Then there is the question of his health along with the health of his wife which is not good. At his age there have been antidotal stories of him appearing to be asleep during council meetings.

We could go on, but we think everyone gets the picture.

La Prensa cannot (even with NC being 70% persons of Mexican ancestry) in good conscience recommend Louie Natividad for Mayor of NC.

Mayor Ron Morrison on the other hand has made a career out of being an elected politician, and has ruled NC with an iron hand! We can’t remember the last time that the go along City Council ever voted against one of Morisson’s proposals?

La Prensa endorsed Mayor Morrison in his last Mayoral campaign. As things now stand, Mayor Ron has lost our support. In our opinion, Mayor Ron’s political agenda has been one of ignoring and not supporting the needs and interests of NC’s majority 70% persons of Mexican ancestry. NC remains the poorest city of SD County’s 18 incorporated cities and Morisson’s political agenda has been to ignore the interest of this massive constituency.

He has instead catered to the city’s powerful employee unions and business interest who do not reside in NC. Morrison recently voted to raise the water rates of both poor people, and senior citizens living on fixed incomes and to add insult to injury, Mayor Ron is behind the effort to pass Prop “D” the PENNY TAX this November.

La Prensa, in good conscience, cannot endorse Ron Morisson for Mayor.

La Prensa calls for a no endorsement and will leave to the voters of NC to decide if Louie Natividad or Ron Morrison is the lesser of the two evils.
