As San Diego bids adieu to our summer guests smart retailers look to New Generational Latinos and Mexican Nationals to carry them into the new year

<p>Summer is Over San Diego Retailers, Feliz Navidad</p>
<p>&nbsp;The air is crisper and the school year is well under way- summer season has ended. In low economic times San Diego retailers are in desperate need for profitable consumer markets to fill the void of decreased tourist flux. Savvy companies have identified two potential segments and are directing their PR dollars towards reaching these groups for the upcoming holiday season. New Generational Latinos (NGLs) and Mexican Nationals could help keep consumer spending up and San Diego retailers happy if PR campaigns are able communicate in culturally relevant ways through appropriate channels.<br>
<p>&nbsp;The term “New Generational Latinos” refers to U.S. Hispanic consumers under 30 years old, comprising over 50 percent the total population segment. This group represents primarily English speaking, second-, third- and even fourth- generation Hispanics who are diverse and culturally complex. Targeting this group requires replacing the conventional language-centric approach with culturally relevant understandings that move beyond the monologue model and are laden with authentic consumer touch points. U.S. Hispanics are the largest and fastest growing minority group in the nation. San Diego boasts the tenth largest Hispanic population and continues to climb the chart. In San Diego County almost half of youth under 17 years of age are of Hispanic decent. With a purchasing power of $14.5 billion annually in the County, this market is deserving of serious PR attention. NGLs will play a critical role in the future of San Diego consumerism.<br>
<em>Cross Border Consumerism</em></p>
<p>&nbsp;The more than 200 million people who cross the border from Mexico into the U.S. every year increasingly represent a significant revenue source for retailers in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.</p>
<p>&nbsp;According to Scarborough and Chamber of Commerce studies, our Mexican neighbors spend $40 billion total annual dollars in their cross-border travels. Most cross-border visitors from Mexico come to shop, spending $110 to $160 per trip. For retailers this breaks down to 18-20 million Mexicans who visit every month, representing $25-30 million in daily retail sales along the U.S. border during normal times of the year and $10 billion in annual retail sales. In San Diego County, cross-border shoppers from Tijuana spend $500-$600 per household during the Christmas season.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Mexican National consumers are important to San Diego retailers, and influencing their purchasing decision is a key factor to supporting local consumer business.<br>
<em>Internet-based PR Could Drive Local Retail Foot Traffic</em></p>
<p>&nbsp;With over 25 million U.S. Hispanics wired, consumer companies are following NGLs all over the internet. NGLs participate in Internet activities, such as online purchases and social media, more than any other younger generation sub-group.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Mexico is one of the leading countries in current and growing internet usage among Latin countries. However, as the digital media penetration rates increase, Mexican consumers will have more tools at their fingertips to compare prices online, enabling them to plan and rationalize trips to the U.S. based upon price or tax savings.</p>
<p>&nbsp;The future of retailing in San Diego, including the success of holiday sales, requires strategic planning to gain relevant exposure here, across the border and on the Internet.</p>