San Diego Celebrates Gay Pride Festival

By Mario A. Cortez 7-16-16  vito di stefano-2

The streets of Hillcrest were full of color as San Diego celebrated its annual Pride Festival last weekend.

The estimated crowd of 120,000 people gathered throughout Hillcrest and Balboa Park to enjoy the weekend of festivities which included a parade, a festival at Balboa Park, and various concerts.

The parade, celebrated on Saturday, July 16, featured a 1.1 mile long route starting from the rainbow flag on University avenue to the northwest corner of Balboa Park. Among the participants in the parade were many organizations advocating for the rights of the LGBTQ community, corporate partners and sponsors of the parade, non-profit organizations, law enforcement, elected officials, and members of educational institutions.

With the shadow of Orlando still looming over the event, law enforcement was out in full patrol to ensure no tragedy ensued during San Diego’s Pride festivities.

Many police officers and agents opted to not participate in the parade and activities out of “significant security precautions,” according to San Diego Police Department Lieutenant Charles Lara. These officers patrolled the crowds and ensured the day’s fun was safe for attendees. “We came out here to show support for the LGBT community. That’s super important, post-Orlando,” said Lara.

“I have a 14 year old whom I have brought with me for some years now to teach him about tolerance and respect. My husband I did not allow him to come out of fear that a madman might try to hurt people here,” said Clara Burke, a north county resident at Pride. “We are having a blast despite the worry.”

Despite the safety concerns, San Diego Pride was once again a place where people were safe and free to be themselves, even if it was for a day.

“It is great to see so much support from the community,” said a 22-year-old Latina woman who did not want to reveal her name. “As a closeted woman, Pride was always a place where I felt welcome and accepted while expressing my sexuality. This year I feel safer with everybody’s collective support.”

San Diego Pride’s music festival featured Ke$ha, the pop icon behind hits like “Tik Tok” and “Timber”,  was as this year’s headliner. Joining her were artists such as Noelia, Pierce Fulton, Bright Lights, AB Soto, and Demetria.

