San Diego City College Receives $3.1 Million Federal Title V Grant

    The U.S. Department of Education has awarded Santa Diego City College (SDCC) a $3.1 million Title V grant to improve Hispanic, first-generation and low-income student retention, persistence and academic success.  After a highly competitive nationwide process, only 99 colleges and universities across the country were selected to for the $60.1 million federal five-year grant.  This is the second Title V grant City College, a Hispanic Serving Institution, has been awarded this decade.

    With 37% of its’18,000 students Hispanic and nearly half first generation college students, the City College Title V program will focus on several goals to expand educational opportunities and improve the academic success for students. These goals include: 1) enhancing access and use of academic support services to complete college-level coursework; (2) helping students clarify their career/educational goals, develop an appropriate educational plan, and complete their college credits; and (3) increasing professional development for all faculty and staff to enhance the quality of instruction and student services.

Among the key strategies within the Title V plan is the First Year Experience (FYE) learning community. This comprehensive FYE program provides advice and guidance through the first year of college, accelerates student acquisition of college-level skills, and supports student success in college-level classes.

    “Ensuring our students have the support and tools to achieve their academic goals is our highest priority,” said Dr. Terrence Burgess, President of San Diego City College.  “These grant funds allow our faculty and staff to provide the essential services and assistance students need to succeed.”
