San Diego Reelects Mayor and Approves Minimum Wage Increase

By Ana Gomez Salcido

The Citizens of San Diego reelected Kevin Faulconer as mayor and approved an increase in the minimum wage before the state increases it on Tuesday’s primary election.

Faulconer received 108,653 votes (58.20 percent) of the total votes, having the majority needed for a reelection for a second term in office. Mayoral candidate Lori Saldana received 41,934 votes (22.46 percent) and candidate Ed Harris got 36,117 votes (19.34 percent).

San Diego Voters also voted for nine different propositions in Tuesday’s primary election ballot. Among these is Proposition I, which looks to increase the minimum wage and sick days got approved by 63.33 percent of voters.

In the City of San Diego City Attorney race, Republican Robert Hickey got and Mara W. Elliott received were the top two finishers and will face off in November’s general election.

In the Presidential Party race, San Diego voters chose Hillary Clinton who received 55.13 percent of votes. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders received 44.12 percent of votes.

In the Republican Party, presidential pre-candidate, Donald Trump received  78.44 percent of voter in San Diego.

The results are unofficial but are the latest from the Registrar of Voters, last updated on June 8, at 03:31 a.m.

There were over 1.5 million registered voters in San Diego County and almost 300,000 of the registered were Latinos.