San Ysidro Celebrates a Great Woman

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Members of the San Ysidro community recognized the work of an outstanding woman this past Wednesday, March 8, International Women’s Day.</p>
<p>The activist organization Fuerza Amigos de Aztlan presented Bertha Alicia Gonzalez a lifetime achievement award for her role as an activist and as a business and community leader for many decades.</p>
<p>“You will be recognized as a woman who dedicated her life to others and we are thankful and honored to present you with this honor. Your courage as a woman leader is something that will always be remembered. You are a great role model,” announced San Ysidro resident Karina Ledezma as she presented the award to Gonzalez.</p>
<p>González was surprised and happy to receive the award.</p>
<p>“This means so much to me because it comes from the most hardworking and precious people anyone can ever meet. They do so much for our community,” she said to the attendees.</p>
<p>During the ceremony, held at a meeting room inside the San Ysidro Chamber of Commerce, people in attendance could spend time with Bertha and listen to the countless stories she has about San Ysidro and the struggles that the southernmost edge of San Diego has faced over the years.</p>
<p>“A long time ago, people from the State Corrections Department came and when we found out that they had a 420 acre property just 520 feet away from the United States-Mexico border we got to work collecting signatures. I went to a Department of Corrections hearing in Sacramento without knowing what to do or how to get to the right people,” Gonzalez remembered. “When we arrived at the hearing, I handed them the signatures we collected and told them that they did not have the support of our community to build a prison. We fought for eight years, but we defeated their plan.”</p>
<p>While the celebration was modest, the impact Gonzalez has had on San Ysidro is enormous. Gonzalez offers tax and accounting services to low-income members of the community and has helped over 100,000 people, she says, legally migrate to the United States through her immigration aid office, which has been in business for 55 years. She is also a founding member of both the San Ysidro Chamber of Commerce and the San Ysidro Business Association.</p>
<p>Gonzalez is currently involved in finding shelter for homeless children and has recently dedicated herself to closing down medical marijuana dispensaries that currently do business&nbsp;without the permits needed for operation, all of this alongside members of the San Ysidro community.</p>
<p>“I know her ever since I began representing this community on behalf of Councilman David Alvarez. For many years, Bertha has worked for the construction of the new library we will have in a few years,” said District 8 staff member Gabriela Dominguez. “I know Bertha as an advocate for the community. She is always at community meetings and she wants what is best for San Ysidro.”</p>
<p>“There is so much to do in San Ysidro. My work is how I return the favor to this community that has received me with open arms and has always shown me its love,” Gonzalez declared in her closing remarks.</p>

Mario A. Cortez