San Ysidro To Fill Board Vacancy

<p><a href="…; rel="attachment wp-att-32669"><img loading="lazy" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-32669" src="…; alt="sysd_kinney" width="300" height="300" srcset="… 300w,… 150w,… 1024w,… 1200w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px"></a></p>
<p>The San Ysidro School Board is set to fill a vacant board seat at the upcoming meeting on September 24th.</p>
<p>The seat was vacated by Jose F. Barajas after he became the subject of a recall petition being circulated by community leaders and PTA parents. Mr. Barajas tendered his resignation on August 19TH only one week after being served the official recall paperwork.</p>
<p>“The Board will be reviewing applications and conducting interviews at the next board meeting,” Superintendent Dr. Julio Fonseca said. “The Board may choose to appoint a person to fill the vacancy at that meeting,” Dr. Fonseca added.</p>
<p>The application process is open through 5:00pm on August 18. Applicants must be at least 18 years old, and both live and be registered to vote within the school district boundaries.</p>
<p>One of those already declaring his interest in the position is Steven Kinney, a local small business owner who ran for the Board in November and was the runner-up in the election. Mr. Kinney received 18.1% of the vote, and was only 170 votes from being elected.</p>
<p>“I ran for the school board to help fix our schools, and I’m still ready to do my part,” Mr. Kinney said. “The community, teachers, and parents were very supportive of my campaign and I hope I can fill the vacant seat until the next election.”</p>
<p>Mr. Kinney was 169 votes behind Luciana Corrales who captured the third open seat on the Board in the November election. Then-Board President Jason Wells came in 5th place, more than 500 votes behind Mr. Kinney.</p>
<p>“Our teachers endorsed Mr. Kinney in his election and we endorse him now for the vacant seat,” said Martin Galante, the teachers’ union political action committee chair. “Mr. Kinney understands the needs of our students and teachers better than the other candidates I’ve seen,” Mr. Galante added.</p>
<p>The current 4-member board may select a person to fill the vacancy and serve through the next election in November 2016. If the Board does not fill the vacancy, a special election would be called to fill the seat. The San Diego County Registrar of Voters estimates a special election could cost the District more than $300,000.</p>
<p>“I hope our Board can agree on an appointment for the vacancy and avoid the costs of a special election,” said Marcos Diaz, Vice President of the School Board. He added that the business of the District will go on either way but “we should work together to fill the vacancy so we have a full board to address the important issues facing our school.”</p>
<p>The San Ysidro School District has dealt with several board vacancies over the past five years when board member resigned their seats midterm.</p>
<p>In June 2010, Board member Sandy Lopez resigned after being convicted of wire fraud and was sentenced to 10 months in state prison. Her seat was filled by Jason Wells who lost his reelection campaign last year.</p>
<p>In 2013, two vacancies were created when both Yolanda Hernandez and Jean Romero resigned their seats. Mrs. Hernandez resigned in April 2014 after pleading guilty to failing to report gifts from prospective contractors. Her seat was filled by Luciana Riesgo-Corrales who was election last year to a full 4 year term. Ms. Romero resigned in March 2014 and the board chose not to fill that vacancy; instead the seat was filled by election in November 2014.</p>

Alberto Garcia