San Ysidro High Gives Students a New Perspective

Students Participate in 2nd Annual Perspectives Conference

 The diversity of the South Bay and San Diego Region was on display this week when community members were asked to speak to students during San Ysidro High’s 2nd Annual Perspectives Conference.

 The purpose of the conference was to give students positive perspectives on careers, diversity and life experiences. The event featured over 35 speakers from a wide variety of backgrounds and was highlighted by an emotional presentation conducted by holocaust survivor David Faber.

 Faber, a survivor of nine concentration camps and a current resident of San Diego, gave a riveting account of his experiences during the German occupation of Poland to a capacity crowd of over 450 students at San Ysidro High’s Performing Arts Center. He gave very detailed accounts of how he lost so many people close to him and the deplorable conditions of the camps. He left the students with one simple, yet powerful request – “Remember.”

 In addition to Faber, students in several classrooms throughout the campus heard presentations from groups such as the Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the Tariq Khamisa Foundation, KPBS Radio, South Bay Community Services, State Farm Insurance Company and several others.

 “The initial idea was for a Diversity Fair, and the counselors of the school took it on,” said Shana Torner, San Ysidro High counselor and event organizer. “The point is to expose students to issues that they might not otherwise get to talk about.”

 Every student in the school participated in the event by either attending one of the larger sessions given in the Performing Arts Center, library or gymnasium, or by having a speaker come to one of their final two class periods of the day.

 “We live in a very diverse community, and we are grateful to all of our presenters,” said Board President Jim Cartmill. “Events such as this are a tremendous benefit to all who are involved.”