SD COVID Hospitalizations Decline; 2,498 New Cases in County

<p>San Diego County saw a small decline in COVID-19 patients hospitalizations but confirmed cases from testing remain well above the state rolling average to lower restrictions.</p>
<p>COVID-19 hospitalizations dropped 83 in a week and now total 1,721 patients, including 419 in intensive care units, leaving only 38 ICU beds available in the entire county.</p>
<p>On Tuesday, County health officials confirmed that 20% of tests came back positive for the virus, raising the rolling average to 12.1%. Tuesday marked the 50th straight day of more than 1,000 new cases, and the 27th out of 30 days with more than 2,000 new cases in a day.</p>
<p>In total, San Diego County has had 216,835 confirmed cases and 2,109 people have died.</p>
<p>Vaccines are available in San Diego and officials this week expanded the eligibility from only Tier 1A health care workers to also included people 75 and older because not enough people were taking advantage of the available vaccines. Health officials estimate that more than 620,000 people in San Diego County eligible in the Tier 1A group and another 500,000 in the 65+ year old group. The San Diego County Health and Human Services Department’s goal is to for 70% of the county’s population over the age of 16 vaccinated by the end of June.</p>
<p>Statewide COVID cases total 3,071,119 and 34,433 deaths. In the US, 24,433,486 cases have been confirmed, and 404,812 people have now died from the virus in less than one year.</p>

Sandra G. Leon