See the World in One Weekend of Dance

2013 Nations of San Diego International Dance Festival


Kathak dance to the stage — a real first!”
Kathak dance to the stage — a real first!”

Skirts swish, bells tinkle, drums pound, feet stomp and bodies soar. The stage pulses with a United Nations of texture, color, music and movement during Nations of San Diego International Dance Festival. The heart and soul of the world takes to the stage during this annual three-day festival on Friday, February 8 at 8:00 pm, Saturday, February 9 at 2:00 and 8:00 pm, and Sunday, February 10 at 2:00 pm at the Coronado Performing Arts Center, 650 D Avenue, Coronado.

Over 200 dancers and musicians representing ethnic groups from around the globe will delight audiences with diverse cultural traditions rarely seen together in one setting. Magical things happen on and off the stage. During intermission, imagine an impromptu international flash mob as Chinese, Irish, Mexican and Spanish dancers free-style to a Puerto Rican beat. Nations’ performers take every advantage of performing in a cross-cultural setting.

Both new and familiar faces come together in this kaleidoscope of dance and music. All performers bring something fresh to the stage. “This year, we are happy to welcome many newcomers to Nations,” says Betzi Roe, Festival Director. “The HuaYi Song and Dance Company from Los Angeles has many male dancers in their ranks and they will perform an interesting dance from Mongolia that includes mimicking the movement of horses. Dance companies representing Serbia and Sudan will also present their wonderful traditions for the first time at Nations. And, we are delighted to welcome Rachel George, a world-class belly dancer, as well as a full company of Indian dancers bringing Kathak dance to the stage — a real first!”

Over 30 dance groups auditioned this year. Nations will showcase fifteen of those companies. Each represents so beautifully the rich traditional dance community that thrives in San Diego and southern California.

Nations has designated the Friday evening performance Military Night and the Sunday Matinee is Girl Scout Day. Look for details and ticket information on the Nations website:
