Several Thousand People Expected at the Annual Cinco de Mayo Alcohol Free Community Festival

Community Festival will be Held at Kimball Park in National City  

   The South Bay Cinco De Mayo with Pride Coalition will host the annual Cinco de Mayo con Orgullo (with Pride) Alcohol Free Community Festival on Saturday, May 8, 2010 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Kimball Park in National City.

   The family-oriented fun filled festival promotes the true meaning of the Cinco de Mayo Holiday. This coalition denounces any sponsorship from the alcohol industry in aims to prevent alcohol-related traffic crashes and underage drinking often occurring at alcohol sponsored festivities.

   Event will feature live performances by soloist, bands, and dancers. Local radio stations La Mejor 99.3 FM/ Exa 91.7 FM will broadcast live. There will be an array of activity including, resource booths, delicious Mexican delicacies, childrens activities and a health section that will include free mammograms for qualifying participants.

   “Our coalition recognizes the harm that results from alcohol driven festivities, which is why strive to share the TRUE meaning of Cinco de Mayo by hosting an event that provides a place to celebrate our culture with respect and pride. Cinco de Mayo is not about drinking- it is about perseverance, struggle, and community,” said Jovita Juarez, founder of the South Bay Cinco de Mayo con Orgullo Coalition.

   The alcohol industry spends about $2 billion per year targeting the Latino community by promoting their products using cultural symbols and holidays such as Cinco de Mayo. In addition, sponsors events that often leave communities with the ripple effects of drunk driving and underage drinking.

   Eliza Lizarraga, college student and member of the coalition added, “I support the Coalition, because I know how it is to loose a loved one through a drinking and driving accident.”

   The South Bay Cinco De Mayo con Orgullo (With Pride) Coalition was established in 2006 and serves the communities of National City, Chula Vista, Imperial Beach, and San Ysidro.
