Show Your Love San Diego: Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity to Plan Our Region’s Future!

When you picture San Diego in 50 years; do you believe you, your children and grandchildren will still be able to afford to live here? Do you think we can preserve what we all love about the region today for future generations? Do you see apartment and condo towers lining the coast, master-planned communities stretching into the backcountry or something in between? High-speed rail, wider freeways or thoughtfully planned job centers? What about our education system, sources of job growth, and parks and leisure opportunities?

With a projected 40 percent population growth in the next 40 years, we will need 400,000 more homes and 500,000 new jobs by 2050. Now, we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to influence how people will live, work, learn and play in the future throughout the San Diego region. Starting November 30, visit, share your values and priorities and be a part of a major, region-wide effort to plan for our future. This is our chance to share our personal voices on what we want our region to become. If many of us speak up, government officials will listen!

You can see and choose from four different approaches for housing future generations—from the status quo to high-density apartment and condo towers and everything in between. You’ll find out how those approaches impact travel time, water consumption and housing affordability. Streetscape simulations will help spark your imagination as these various development approaches are applied to Oceanside, Chula Vista, University Heights, Mission Valley and Ramona.

In addition, you will have the chance to weigh in on hot topics, including:

• Redeveloping the Qualcomm Stadium into a new housing and job center

• Building homes on Rancho Guejito, one of the largest pieces of undeveloped land in the County

• Easing building height restrictions near the coast to allow for more density

• Developing a world class sports and entertainment complex to attract major cultural and sporting events

• Deciding if the region wants a new international airport

• Deciding on a new University in Chula Vista to spur job creation and higher education is the result of nearly two years of research and community input organized under Our Greater San Diego Vision, an initiative facilitated by The San Diego Foundation and supported by close to 300 ambassadors and task force members, more than 170 diverse community partners, and an unprecedented 10 media sponsors.

“It’s in everyone’s interests to take a few minutes and go online to help shape the region for decades to come,” said Bill Geppert, chair of Our Greater San Diego Vision. “People in San Diego County are concerned about the region’s future, especially its high cost of living and how that impacts their quality of life. This is an opportunity to put the future in your own hands.”

“The San Diego Foundation has championed improving the quality of life for all San Diegans for more than 35 years. Now, we are asking you – what type of community do you want to work in, live in, enjoy and learn? We believe we can convene the community to enhance the common good according to your vision,” said Bob Kelly, president and CEO of The San Diego Foundation.

During community workshops in the fall and task force meetings over the summer, ideas were generated and then combined with the initiative’s public opinion research and other data points to come up with senarios presented at

Currently, outreach efforts to engage as many residents as possible include an iPad Outreach team from San Diego State University’s Consensus Organizing Center who will engage communities with low or no broadband access, including seniors with limited mobility and transportation, the homeless, veterans and immigrants who may not speak English. Partnerships with the county and city library systems, the Chicano Federation; and faith-based organizations including mosques, churches, temples and synagogues will also ensure the broadest participation possible.

Once the public participation window closes in mid-January, the results will be developed into a guiding vision for the region to be unveiled in the late Spring of 2012 and continually refreshed and updated.

To help shape a vision for the future of the region in which we all live, work and play, visit
