South Bay water rates hiked up with little fanfare


At a time where every cent counts and we are we pinching pennies to make it to the next paycheck, you would think that the community would have demonstrated a vested interest when the water board proposed a rate hike. If you thought that, you would have been mistaken!

The Sweetwater Authority Board anticipated a large turnout and had set up extra seats for the crowd which never materialized. The board, with seemingly little opposition to the proposal quickly passed the rate increase, despite the passionate pleas from the few community members that did show up to protest the rate hike.

After the vote, none of the community members went home happy. Especially after seeing the cost of water increased once again in two years. For Bonita residents this was a particularly tough pill to swallow. Their rates were tripled for some last time. Those who saw their water rates go to $800 every two months once again saw their rates raised by 6.5%. Even those who stringently conserve water and meet the goal of only using 10 units of water, or 748 gallons, every two months, saw their water rate double. This group includes senior citizens on fixed incomes and low income folks.

At a time where we have little control over the ever increasing cost of living, gas and electricity or the price of gasoline, the water rate increase is one of the few places where the community can actually have a say, that is when the community shows up. By staying home, the community relinquishes its voice and in turn has little to say when they receive their next water bill and complain about the high cost. The time to say something was before. Afterwards is too late.
