Southwestern College Celebrates Its Legendary Arts Programs

Southwestern College has been the South County’s center for the arts for more than 50 years, but its influence is truly global.

SWC is home to world-famous visual artists, choral ensembles, journalists, writers, photographers and theater artists. Planet Earth’s best collegiate mariachi comes from SWC, as does America’s best student newspaper. Rock and hip hop superstars record in the college studio and journalists in a dozen nations consult the college’s Mayan art expert to see if the world is really going to end.

Southwestern will celebrate its legendary arts programs at the Love the Arts Gala, February 28 at the Mission Valley Hilton. Tickets for the formal event are $85 and available at or by calling (619) 482-6372. A reception and silent auction begins at 5 p.m. Dinner, wine tasting and dancing kicks off at 6:30 p.m.

SWC’s School of Arts and Communication has been the public face of the college since a humble campus opened on what was once Albert Lansley’s lima bean field. Dean Dr. Donna Arnold said the event will celebrate a half century of greatness while raising funds to support our community’s newest artists, forensic stars and journalists.

“Arts and Communication is a powerhouse school that has profoundly affected our community and our nation,” said Arnold. “Going back to the 1960s it was visual artists that first put the college on the map. In the 1980s and ‘90s Southwestern College was well known for its theater program. In this century our school is a powerhouse for journalism, forensics, vocal music, mariachi, the recording arts, dance and all kinds of visual arts.”

Arnold said the fund raiser will support students and faculty to expand opportunities in the arts and purchase much-needed equipment and supplies.

Southwestern faculty and alumni are global players. Painter John Baldessari, the “Godfather of Conceptual Art” who recently sold a piece for $4.4 million, got his start at SWC. So did artists Bob Matheny, Russell Baldwin and Michael Schnorr.

Television and film writer J. Michael Straczinski (“Babylon 5,” “Thor,” “World War Z”) is an alum. Theater artists William Virchis, Max Branscomb, Bryant Hernandez, John Iocavelli, Timothy Paul Evans, Michael Buckley, Carla Kirkwood and John Padilla are Jaguars. Mexican pop music superstar Julieta Venegas is from SWC as are musicians from Pearl Jam, Blink 182 and Stranger.

SWC’s Mariachi Garibaldi is the world’s top-ranked collegiate ensemble and has performed in China, Russia, Europe, Mexico and Brazil in recent years. The Southwestern Concert Choir has played in Carnegie Hall, The Vatican, Rome, Greece and other European music capitols. Professor of Art Dr. Mark Van Stone was the go-to global expert on the so-called 2012 Mayan Prophecy and appeared on television programs in Mexico, France, Germany, England, Spain and a number of other countries.

“Our Arts and Communication faculty is awesome,” said Arnold. “Our teachers never cease to amaze me with their talent, wisdom and abilities. Their talent and enthusiasm rubs off on our students and inspires our entire community. They are a tremendous asset to this region.”