Southwestern College Student Elected to California Community Colleges’ Student Senate

Manuel R. Lopez, Jr. to Serve as Representative for San Diego Region’s Community Colleges

            Southwestern College announced that student Manuel R. Lopez, Jr., President of the College’s Associated Student Organization (ASO) and Student Trustee, was elected Lieutenant Governor of the Student Senate for California Community Colleges’ (SSCCC) Region X. Lopez is the first to serve in this position for the San Diego region.

            “Manny demonstrates a sincere commitment to our College and the students he represents,” Dr. Angelica Suarez, Acting Superintendent/President of Southwestern College, said. “We are proud to have him represent Southwestern College and to be a voice for the region’s students.”

            Representing all community college students in California, the SSCCC is divided into 10 regions. Lopez will serve Region X which governs the nine community colleges in San Diego and Imperial Counties. His responsibilities are: 

            • promoting Southwestern College’s involvement in regional events, activities and meetings;

            • chairing and assisting with the Region’s committees;

            • helping the SSCCC’s Governor in delegating responsibilities and coordinating assignments; and

            • assuming the duties of the Governor if she is unable to serve

            Region X meets once a month and provides a student perspective to elected officials in matters that directly affect the community colleges within California.

            “I decided to run for this position to boost Southwestern College’s student involvement at the state level,” Manuel R. Lopez, Jr, Lieutenant Governor of the SSCCC and Southwestern College student, said. “I am excited for this new challenge in front of me and I hope to help the region accomplish great things both in San Diego and Imperial County.”

            Lopez serves as Student Trustee on the Southwestern College Governing Board. He will be transferring to Alliant University as an International Relations major after graduating from Southwestern College in May 2011.