Strauss Foundation Awards Nashely Veronica $10,000 Public Service Scholarship to Carry Out Project in Her Senior Year

    The Donald A. Strauss Public Service Scholarship Foundation, established as a memorial to the late Don Strauss of Newport Beach and now designed to award $10,000 scholarships to as many as 15 California college juniors annually, has announced that among the foundation’s new group of recipients is University of California, San Diego student Nashely Veronica.

    The Strauss scholarships fund public-service projects that the students have proposed and will carry out during their senior year. Veronica, who hails from Chula Vista will establish a Higher Education Resource Center inside Castle Park High School in order to provide support and mentor-ship to prospective first generation college students in order to increase the enrollment of underrepresented students at 4-year Colleges.

    Don Strauss demonstrated a strong, life-long commitment to public service and education, reflected by his serving 10 years on the Newport-Mesa Unified School District Board, and 12 years on the Newport Beach City Council, including one as mayor.

    He also founded summer internships in Washington, D.C., for students at Cornell University, Stanford University, the University of Rhode Island, the California Institute of Technology and Harvey Mudd College, and he endowed scholarships at Stanford, U.C. Irvine and Harvey Mudd. He died in 1995 at the age of 79,

    Strauss’ widow, Dorothy M.R. Strauss, established the foundation in January of 1997 as a “tribute to the vision, ideals and leadership of Donald A. Strauss.” In its first year, the foundation board invited 10 universities to nominate up to three students each for Strauss scholarships, with the board making the final selection of the 10 winners. (Dorothy Strauss saw her vision for the Foundation realized—she phoned each of the 10 first-year winners to notify them personally— before she passed away in October of 1997 at the age of 83.)

    In the second year the Foundation was able to broaden its reach and award 15, $10,000 scholarships, and now gives 10-15 each year. This represents the Foundation’s fifteenth group of recipients—since its inception, the Foundation has now awarded 206 scholarships—and like their counterparts in the past, all of these new recipients have extensive records of community and public service, as well as a demonstrated desire to “make a difference.”
