Supervisors Should Use Home Care Funds Cost-Effectively

By Doug Moore

San Diego County may soon be refunded millions of dollars as a result of a new federal program that encourages states to care for people in their own homes rather than forcing them into more expensive nursing homes. The program is called the “Community First Choice Option” (CFCO).

The County Board of Supervisors should use these funds for their intended purpose—to strengthen the county’s In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program.

There is no question that IHSS is cost-effective. It costs California taxpayers at least five times more to care for a low-income elderly or disabled person in a nursing home than at home using IHSS. And the funds that the county spends on IHSS services are ultimately reimbursed by the state.

It is also the right thing to do. Nearly all those who need care would rather receive it in the comfort and security of their own homes and communities rather than in institutions.

There is an added benefit as well. Using the CFCO refund to increase the wages of county home care providers will yield indirect economic benefits to our communities at a time when our economy desperately needs a boost. Increasing IHSS provider wages will result in millions in increased consumer spending on local goods and services, therefore also increasing tax revenues to our county.

Our supervisors have a responsibility to use available resources efficiently and cost-effectively for the benefit of the citizens of San Diego County. In this case, supporting the IHSS program is the fiscally responsible thing to do.

Doug Moore is Executive Director of the UDW Homecare Providers Union, which represents more than 22,000 IHSS home care providers in San Diego County and more than 65,000 statewide.
