Talented Artist Has Local Show

The very personal work of local artist, Jesimiel Rivera, will be on show and for purchase from April 2 to May 7 at the Next Door Gallery in Golden Hill.

Rivera, who titled the show ‘No drawing, get to work’ gets a lot of inspiration from real life experiences. “I transfer my memories, grief, spirituality, poetry and simplicity to the surface of canvas and paper,” says Rivera. “Basically I use familiar imagery of my past to coexist with the present ideas, therefore creating new middle ground of image for the viewer to decipher.”

The Next Door Gallery  is located in historic South Park Golden Hill at 2963 Beech Street, San Diego.

Jesimiel Rivera was born in the small town of Oaxaca, Mexico, and then migrated to the U.S. in 1991, which he says ‘drastically changed my course of life‘. “I have found myself to be shared by both cultures but not belonging to any.”
