Breaking News

<p>A $15 billion bond measure to modernize schools throughout the state failed to pass in Tuesday’s election, as did bond measures in Poway, Lakeside, Escondido, Chula Vista, and East County.</p>
<p>The statewide measure, called Proposition 13, would have approved issuing up to $15 billion in new bonds to providing matching funds to local districts to modernize schools and upgrade equipment. The proposition had the same number, 13, as the well-known 1978 measure that limited property tax increases in the state.</p>

<p>Super Tuesday brought many national and local races into more clear focus and gave some candidates huge boosts while clearing the field of many others, but two races are still too close to call. As of Friday evening, 250,000, absentee and provisional ballots still remained to be counted, and it may take up to 30 days for final results to be reported</p>
<p><strong>Presidential Race</strong></p>

<p>(Story updated March 4, 2020 @ 10:01 am)</p>
<p>After the first US death connected to the coronavirus was reported in the state of Washington on Saturday, eight more people in Washington have died from the illness.</p>
<p>The first patient was diagnosed on Friday along with an unrelated woman in the same hospital near Seattle, and a third was reported on Sunday. Sunday also saw the first case reported in Snohomish County, Washington. That patient has now died, bringing to total deaths in the US to nine.</p>

<p>(Story updated March 2, 2020 @ 12:01 pm)</p>
<p>Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg was scheduled to hold a rally at San Ysidro High School on Monday, March 2, but, instead, announced he will be suspending his campaign on Sunday.</p>
<p>The former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, 38, is the youngest of the Democratic candidates for president and is currently a distant third in the delegate count so far after four states have voted.</p>

<p>The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has stopped President Trump’s policy of sending asylum-seeking migrants back to Mexico while they wait for their asylum applications to be reviewed.</p>
<p>That policy, which started in January 2019, has seen over 60,000 refugees stopped from entering the US after applying for asylum. The policy was a change from the traditional process of releasing asylum seekers in the US pending their cases being decided.</p>

<p>A group of San Diegans affected by California’s Assembly Bill 5 arrived at an Elizabeth Warren campaign event in Barrio Logan where the bill’s author, State Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez-Fletcher (D-San Diego), was to speak before a stump speech by Obama-era HUD secretary Julian Castro.</p>

<p>A meeting of nearly 100 Latino community leaders and activists in Los Angeles last week led to a historic endorsement of Bernie Sanders for President just two weeks before the California primary election.</p>