By Angie Trudell Vasquez
By Mark R. Day
Pope Francis’ confirmation of his plans to canonize Fray Junipero Serra in September has led Serra’s supporters to rejoice, but has ignited strong protests among some Native Californians who reiterate their claim that Serra oppressed their ancestors and was no saint.
<p>While millions of Americans have suddenly become enlightened about the bleak plight of racial minorities in segregated inner-cities and impoverished suburbs, especially with the spate of police killings of unarmed blacks, for those of us who grew up in ghettos and barrios, we are all too familiar with the rampant cases of police misconduct and government negligence.<br>
By Maribel Hastings
Por Humberto Caspa, Ph.D.
La Primera Dama Michelle Obama dio una cátedra formidable de sociología en la Universidad de Tuskegee, Alabama. Recordó a los nuevos profesionales lo difícil que es tener la tez morena y ser de etnia afroamericana. Empero, también les participó que la discriminación que sufren no debe ser una excusa para que pierdan la esperanza de crear un mundo mejor.
By Renee Rios
The issue of addressing excessive force by police officers against civilians needs to become a national priority.
By Kyle Fields
Undocumented immigrants have become the slaves of the United States. The American government complains about an “illegal alien problem,” but undocumented immigrants prove time and time again that they stimulate the struggling American economy which oppresses them. Yet, Americans continue to preach their prejudices against undocumented immigrants in media outlets, and exploit them as cheap labor.