
<p>En los sistemas democráticos, la renovación de los poderes ejecutivos y legislativos es práctica normal. En el poder judicial, por el contrario, es saludable que sus integrantes tengan carácter vitalicio a fin de que la experiencia garantice estabilidad y continuidad institucional.</p>
<p>El mecanismo para resolver el proceso electoral resulta de la emisión de los votos ciudadanos — hombres y mujeres mayores de 18 años — que son contados en la lógica del “sufragio efectivo” consagrado en la Constitución. </p>

<p> </p>
<p>Just a few months ago, N. Korea’s dictator was considered a ruthless killer.</p>
<p>Kim Jong-un has brutally eliminated political rivals by poisoning them, by shooting them at close range with anti-aircraft weapons, and even famously having his own uncle eaten by a pack of hungry dogs in front of horrified spectators.</p>

<p>After growing up with the warning to not hitch-hike or accept rides from strangers, it’s funny how quickly the world has accepted the concept of fetching a ride home or to work in the private car of a person we don’t know, but that’s the new paradigm in our rapidly changing techie world.</p>

<p> </p>
<p>This week, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors supported the Trump Administration’s lawsuit against California to overturn so-called “Sanctuary City” laws meant to restrict local police from enforcing federal immigration laws. </p>
<p>On a 3 to 1 vote, the all-Republican Board of Supervisors agreed to submit a legal brief in support of the federal government’s lawsuit challenging three state laws that Trump insists are unconstitutional, but most legal experts disagree.</p>