
Mayor Ron Morrison and elected/appointed officials SEE THE LIGHT! Editorial: Email to:  Read more…


All the votes have been counted from the June 8th primary, with the exception of the Mary Salas/Juan Vargas race which will be in the courts today (Friday). Over 12,563 votes were either sent in late, or not properly picked-up on time. Vargas leads Salas by 12 votes. Whether these votes are counted or not will probably result in a recount.


   In the past, all too often in these editorial pages we have taken the point of view that we just can’t take our freedoms for granted. We have to fight for freedom, we have to be vigilant, and we have to be involved. We have often talked about how freedom is not free and that it takes sacrifices. We have highlighted the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which have made this country what it is today. These points have been a re-occurring theme in editorials of the past, and have often been repeated.

Just may be the spark for a Constitution Convention


According to the State consti-tution, California lawmakers are supposed to have a state budget in place by June 15. And like clockwork the lawmakers let the deadline pass without much notice. So once again the gamesmanship between Republicans, Democrats and the Governor gets under way. While this game is played out, the middle class, the dependent, and the poor will, bear the brunt of suffering through this budget debacle.

Now we need to get more Hispanics voting!

When we first started publishing La Prensa San Diego back in 1976, it was a very big deal when Peter Chacon was elected to the State Assembly. Peter was the first elected Hispanic from San Diego. City councils, Assembly and Senate Seats in San Diego County were the bastion of the white community, along with school boards and all other elected positions. Those days are long gone!