

The Good:

LaDainian Tomlinson

It is not often that we single out a sports figure for the editorial pages, then again it is not very often that a football player the caliber of LaDainian Tomlinson says goodby to San Diego fans.


It has become an annual ritual where school districts start the process of trying to find ways to balance their budgets with a threat of teacher layoffs. Across the county each school district is targeting teacher salaries as the way to go, in order to bring about cost savings. San Diego City Schools is asking for an 8 percent cut in teachers’ salaries, as is Chula Vista Elementary, two percent in San Ysidro, two percent in Vista and the drum beat goes on.

Guest Editorial:
By Ana C. Perez

As a Latina, I am fed up with President Obama’s lack of leadership on immigration reform.

Not addressing immigration head-on contributes to the invisibility of immigrants and fuels an atmosphere of discrimination and hatred against Latinos. This ultimately leads to an increase in hate crimes.

To be fair, Congress is not doing much on this issue, either.

Instead, the deep partisan divide is paralyzing our government and limiting Obama’s ability to lead.


The issue of immigration has long been a festering issue that has polarized the country for years. While there has been much talk about the issue of immigration little has been done to address the issue. During the eight years of the Bush administration, draconian anit-immigrations measures were highlighted by the 800 mile fence along the southern border.