Out around town

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>Dear Mexican: I was today alerted to the problem of trash dumped on the Sonoran Desert in Arizona and am trying to track down more articles about the issue. That is how I found you. There are lots and lots of piles of trash—looks like clothes—in a wash in Arizona. Can you tell me what’s going on?</strong></p>

<p><strong></strong><strong> Why can AeroMexico Airlines fly through any kind of weather conditions to get to and from the United States, but any kind of little ice sprinkle or heavy wind and domestic airlines in the U.S. cancel two days worth of flights? For two consecutive winters, I’ve had Chicago-to-Houston-to-Leon, Guanajuato on Continental Airlines, and Chicago-to-Dallas-to-Leon on American Airlines canceled with a call I received while getting the suitcases packed!</strong></p>

<p><strong>: This <em>güero</em> downloaded the Arizona S.B. 1070 bill, did a search on the document for “Mexicans,” and did not come up with a single hit. What’s up with that? So, since you are such an acknowledged expert at pointing out Mexican-hating here in the American Southwest (your words, not mine), I thought that I would let you school me and show me where in the racial-profiling-loving S.B. 1070 (again, your words, not mine) was the word “Mexicans” located.</strong></p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>: I’m thinking of moving to Mexico. I’m a first-generation <em>mexicano</em>. Speaking with my parents about moving, they’re absolutely against it, insisting that it’s violent and that I should be proud of being an American. I’m not looking to lose my American-ness, but just want to add some more <em>mexicano</em> to it. Is there a movement of people of Mexican descent moving to Mexico? </strong></p>