Out around town

<p><strong>SPECIAL SPANISH SLANG EDITION</strong></p>
<p><strong>Dear Mexican: Stop using Spanish in your column. I like reading your column, but when every other word is in Spanish, I don’t know what the hell is going on. It makes you sound like that nerdy kid who uses big words to try and sound impressive. Don’t be lazy, and just write a good column.</strong><br>

<p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; : Aunqué soy Boricua, mi corazón está al lado del pueblo mejicano, aquí en Arizona. ¿Porqué no hablas contra “La Bruja Mala del Oeste” Gobernadora Jan Brewer, “El Leon Cobarde” Ex-Senador Russell Pearce, “El Hombre Hecho de Lata” Alguacil del Condado Maricopa Joe Arpairo, “El Hombre Hecho de Paja” Abogado General Tom Horne y en final, “El Brujo de OZ” Superintendente de Instrucción Pública John Huppenthal?</strong></p>

<p><span style="font-size: medium;"><strong>SPECIAL BEST-OF EDITION</strong></span></p>

<p><strong><span style="font-size: medium;">Special Mexicans are Racist Edición</span></strong></p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong> These days, using the word “nigger” is considered so offensive that, in its place, we now use the term “n-word.” Of course, never mind that African-Americans use it amongst themselves as a term of endearment, <em>pero esa es una historia para otro día. Sin embargo</em>, it raises a <em>pregunta</em> for me: <em>Por qué</em> no one uses “b-word” for “beaner,” “w-word” for “wetback,” and “s-word” for “spick”?</strong></p>

<p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Here is my problem: I was raised in a typical gabacho family. My siblings and I all enjoyed a typical gabacho relationship. We are close as cats. I phoned my brother year-before-last, and was gratified to learn that he was still alive. That call went so well, I may phone him again next year.</strong></p>