
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Latino families have the highest workplace participation rates in the country. In most recent years, they have worked more hours per week than other Americans. Their median family income is higher than that of Black families, but only because they tend to have more adults working in each household. The largest single barrier to getting ahead in America for Latino families is education.</p>


<p><strong>California</strong><strong> Watch</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Just as education experts are encouraging more classroom time to improve student grades and test scores, many California districts are moving in the opposite direction by shortening their school year amid a sustained and draining budget crisis.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Un estudio de UCSD está tratando de conocer cómo funciona el cerebro en el aprendizaje de un segundo idioma, y los investigadores están reclutando personas bilingües que hablan muy bien español para participar.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Matt Leonard, un candidato a doctorado por el Departamento de Ciencia Cognitiva e investigador principal en el estudio, dijo que, en general, están interesados en conocer cómo es posible que el cerebro humano organice y procese múltiples idiomas.</p>

Governing Board Selects Echo Pacific Construction to Build Concept Design

    Southwestern College today moved one step closer to beginning construction of the corner lot development for its main campus in Chula Vista, including new classroom space and a state-of-the-art bookstore. Funded by Proposition R, the project is the largest new development since the college’s original construction in 1961.


<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The great American educator, John Dewey, repeatedly made the case that students did not fail, schools failed students. This principle is one of the canons of Chicana/o or La Raza Studies. For the most part, the American public schools wrote them off as failures, blaming it on their culture-called them culturally deprived or culturally disadvantaged.</p>

<p><strong>&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp; Southwestern College, en Chula Vista, en verdad pone la palabra “comunitario” en colegio comunitario.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Siendo la única institución de educación superior en el sur del Condado de San Diego, desde 1961 SWC se ha convertido en el hogar de miles de estudiantes tradicionales y no tradicionales quienes han encontrado en la educación un camino al éxito y a la oportunidad.</p>

<p><strong>Frontera NorteSur</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The role of the Texas border city of El Paso remains one of the little-known stories of the revolutionary upheaval that erupted in Mexico in 1910. The US city on the Rio Grande was a vital center for many of the plots, intrigues, advances and retreats of different political factions vying for power in Mexico.</p>
