
<p><strong>Black Voice News</strong></p>
<p>San Bernardino City Unified School District has 11 schools rated among the worst 5 percent in the state. How these so-called failing schools will be treated under America’s new education blueprint sent to Congress on Monday (March 22) illustrates the challenges of boosting student achievement in an era of teacher layoffs, and deep budget cuts.</p>

<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>How do you end a column after 16 years? With regrets and unfulfilled dreams? Perhaps, but truthfully, Column of the Americas ends with even bigger dreams.</p>
<p>There indeed is disappointment with the ease in which the U.S. populace has accepted and normalized the notion of permanent war as a God-given U.S. birthright; the further militarization of the nation and the world; the politics of fear, hate and blame; and Big Brother government. All with nary a whimper.</p>

<p>California’s system of higher education is at a breaking point just when another large wave of students is coming to pursue their undergraduate degrees.</p>
<p>Students, teachers and education advocates are taking to the streets in marches and protests across the Golden State to raise awareness of the devastating results of budget cuts like furloughs, drop-ped courses, sky-rocketing fees, admission restrictions and reduced prestige for the pre-eminent system of higher education in the country.</p>

Latino Print Network

RENO, Nev. — The family of famed teacher Jaime Escalante, 79, has announced that he passed away at 2:27 pm. The cause of death was coronary and respiratory failure, precipitated by cancer.


<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p>The March for California’s Future began in Bakersfield, where hundreds of teachers and education activists rallied to condemn the impact of budget cuts and fee increases on students. As the march now winds it way up California’s San Joaquin Valley, Maria Salgado, an immigrant student in Bakersfield, told her story to David Bacon of how fee increases are denying her the education she’s struggled for years to get.</p>

<p>Laredo, Texas, with a population of 250,000 now has the distinction of being the largest city in the nation without a bookstore. B. Dalton’s bookstore shut its doors for good on January 16th. Put another tombstone in the predominantly Hispanic south side of San Antonio now that Waldenbooks has left, leaving no bookstore for miles.</p>
<p>We’re not looking for pity here in Texas, but we are waiting for Republican leaders to recognize that this is an economic crisis of our own making.</p>

<p><strong>Shafter, CA</strong> – As the March for California’s Future left Bakersfield, marchers trudged past almond trees just breaking into their spring blooms. From Shafter and Wasco across dozens of miles to the west, white and pink petals have turned the ground rosy, while branches overhead are dusted with the delicate green of new leaves.</p>

<p>A diverse group of Californians acted on the courage of their convictions on Friday, March 5, 2010, by embarking on a 260-mile March for California’s Future in order to highlight the need for quality public services and education in the Golden State.</p>
<p>The marchers hail from both Northern and Southern California and include a Los Angeles probation officer, a San Diego community college professor, a teacher and community organizer from Watsonville, a retired Berkeley adult educator, and two L.A. teachers.</p>