
By Daniel Alvarez, M.B.A.

The current political climate in Mexico reveals a rapid and significant shift away from the reforms associated with AMLO's administration, bringing the country closer to practices reminiscent of the PRI era of the 1970s.

I quickly examine these developments in this brief analysis, highlighting the fundamental changes and their implications.


<p>Investing in diplomacy is essential in today's world, where complex and interconnected challenges require global cooperation and collaboration.</p>

<p>Diplomacy is the art of negotiating, building relationships, and resolving conflicts between nations and other actors on the international stage. It is a critical tool for advancing national interests, promoting peace and security, and addressing global challenges.</p>


<p>The world's richest man announced his electric car company will build the world's largest electric car factory in the Mexican city of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, near the Eastern Texas border.</p>

<p>Elon Musk, Tesla's CEO, touted the new plant during an investor day meeting this week where he described the new facility as the largest of the company's manufacturing factories, which already include plants in Fremont, CA; Shanghai, China; Austin, TX; and Berlin, Germany.</p>


<p>Mexico’s highest court has struck down as unconstitutional two provisions of state law that set criminal penalties for women who sought abortions, as well as anyone who causes a woman to have the procedure without her consent.</p>

<p>The court’s unanimous decision undoes a Coahuila state law that imposed prison sentences of up to three years for women who underwent a procedure to terminate a pregnancy, as well as health care providers who performed such a procedure without the woman’s consent.</p>

<p>Contra todos los pronósticos alarmistas, la elección más importante del México del siglo XXI se celebró en un marco de concordia ejemplar. Millones de mexicanos ejercieron con absoluta libertad su derecho a elegir – contratar – a los ciudadanos que en los próximos años tendrán el mandato de conducir los destinos del país.</p>