
Frontera NorteSur

 For Don Ines Antonio Resendiz, it was the winds of fate that whisked the young Mexican farmer to the United States. Like other residents of the small town of Cerrito in the Costa Grande region of Guerrero state, Resendiz’s livelihood was shattered when Hurricane Tara tore a path of destruction in November 1961. Stripped of crops and jobs, some residents found relief in the Bracero Program of contract labor between Mexico and the United States.

<p>&nbsp;Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial se reestructuran las fronteras. Una de las modificaciones fue el anexo a la Unión Soviética (URSS) los territorios de Estonia, Letonia, Lituania, Polonia, así como parte del territorio de Finlandia y Rumania. Alemania se dividió entre Estados Unidos, Francia, Reino Unido y la Unión Soviética (URSS), aunque al final podemos hablar de dos bloques, el bloque del este y el bloque del oeste.</p>

<p>&nbsp;Authorities in charge of gun control in the US have long been in the shadows in the international fight against drugs and drug trafficking, but this is rapidly changing under, putting them on a leading role.</p>
<p>&nbsp;While a few years back, gun traffic was rarely thought of as a fueling factor for drug-cartel violence in Mexico, today, authorities area acknowledging a clear link between guns and the streak of violence lived on the streets of border towns like Tijuana.</p>