
<p>La hermana mayor del presidente fue grabada en conversaciones privadas en las que dijo que su hermano y el comandante en jefe está solamente “para Donald, punto”, “es cruel” y “no puedes confiar en él”.</p>
<p>Esas palabras vinieron de Maryanne Trump Barry, de 83 años, quien hasta el año pasado se desempeñó como juez federal de apelaciones en New Jersey.&nbsp;Fue grabada durante conversaciones privadas con su sobrina, Mary Trump, quien grabó más de 15 horas de platicas.</p>

<p>The President’s older sister was recorded in private conversations where she said her younger brother and Commander-in-Chief is “out for Donald, period”, “is cruel”, and “You can’t trust him”.</p>
<p>Those words came from Maryanne Trump Barry, 83, who until last year served as a federal appellate judge in New Jersey. She was recorded during private conversations with her niece, Mary Trump, who recorded more than 15 hours of their talks.</p>

<p>Former Vice-President Joe Biden made history this week when he announced that California Senator Kamala Harris will be his running mate, making her the first African-American woman and also the first Indian-American on a major party presidential ticket.</p>
<p>Kamala (pronounced ‘comma la’) Harris, who also ran in the primary election for the Democratic nomination, is the junior US Senator from California and was previously elected as the California Attorney General.</p>

<p class="s3"></p>
<p class="s3"><span class="s2">The Chula Vista City Council moved to transition ambulance services to the city’s fire department without significant public input, which could be costly for the city’s more than 270,000 residents.&nbsp;</span></p>

<p>The San Diego County Sheriff has already released more than 1,200 inmates and plans to release hundreds more to reduce overcrowding at local detentions centers in hopes of minimizing the spread of the COVID-19 virus.</p>

<p>Disgraced former Congressman Duncan D. Hunter was sentenced to 11 months in prison on Tuesday for misusing campaign funds on personal expenses including vacations, video games for his son, private school tuition for his kids, and even an airline ticket for his pet rabbit.</p>
<p>Prosecutors had asked U.S. District Court Judge Thomas J. Whelan to sentence Hunter to 14 months in prison, and Hunter’s defense lawyers asked for home confinement.</p>