immigrant rights

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; As an election nears, we always hear increasingly extreme rhetoric from the Republican Party on immigration. But this time around, their fire has turned on the most vulnerable among us; the children. This shameful tactic, which is designed to fire up their most angry anti-immigrant supporters, is not even focused on immigrant children, but rather the American citizen children of immigrants. It is wrong, and it must end.</p>

<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p><strong>PHOENIX, Ariz. — </strong>The sun sets over a small trailer park in central Phoenix as families walk into a neighborhood community center. They started meeting a year ago in this neighborhood, which has been hit with traffic stops and worksite raids by Maricopa County sheriff’s deputies looking for undocumented immigrants.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; On March 28, 2008, my “Death by Media” article was published. The article dealt with how the US press had literally scared the pants off of people, and visiting Baja with emphasis on Tijuana, all but stopped. The reports that visitors to Baja were in danger were tremendously exaggerated and overly dramatized was the basis of the “Death by Media.”</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Chicago White Sox Manager Ozzie Guillen called out Major League Baseball (MLB) on August 1st&nbsp;for providing translators for players arriving from Asia but not for Spanish-speaking Latinos. Asking, “Why do we have a Japanese interpreter but not a Spanish one?” Guillen criticized the racial double standard whereby Major League Baseball provides special services to the handful of Asian-born players but does nothing to ease the transition for the many Spanish-speakers from the Dominican Republic and elsewhere.</p>