<p><a href="http://news.feetintwoworlds.org/">Feet in Two Worlds</a></p>
<p> The main Congressional supporter of progressive immigration reform apparently is fed up with President Barack Obama’s lack of action on the issue.</p>
immigrant rights
<p><strong>New America Media</strong><strong></strong></p>
<p>Tuesday’s historic election in Massachusetts could spell trouble for Democrats, but advocates of immigration reform say it’s not over yet.</p>
<p><strong>New America Media</strong></p>
<p><strong>PHOENIX</strong><strong>, Ariz.</strong> — America’s self-proclaimed “toughest” sheriff Joe Arpaio is facing a grand jury investigation into allegations of abuse of power.</p>
<p>The Maricopa County sheriff has made national headlines because of his immigration sweeps on Latino neighborhoods and a pending investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice into racial profiling allegations.</p>
Autor-Kevin Johnson
Traducido por: Marvin F. Pineda y Jose Cervantes
En el término judicial 2008-2009, la Corte Suprema decidió cuatro casos relacionados a inmigración. Es raro que la corte decida esta cantidad de casos relacionados a inmigración en un término jurídico; esta cantidad de casos indica que el tema de inmigración es importante para la corte como lo es para el público. En las cuatro decisiones, la corte resolvió conflictos de leyes entre diferentes circuitos de cortes de apelación.
<p><strong>The Progressive</strong> </p>
<p>Ana Contreras would have been a competitor for the national tai kwon do championship team this year. She’s 14. For six years she’s gone to practice instead of birthday parties, giving up the friendships most teenagers live for. Then two months ago disaster struck. Her mother Dolores lost her job. The money for classes was gone, and not just that.</p>
<p><strong>America</strong><strong>’s Voice</strong> </p>
<p>¿Hay algún momento propicio para encarar una reforma migratoria con una vía de legalización? Usar el tema para acumular puntos políticos ha sido la norma por las pasadas décadas, tanto de parte de detractores como de algunos promotores, en medio de bonanza y de crisis económica.</p>
<p><strong>New America Media</strong> </p>
<p>New America Media</p>
<p>WASHINGTON — Timing is everything in the arts of war or politics, according to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s Nov. 13 speech on the need for immigration reform.</p>
Frontera NorteSur
For Don Ines Antonio Resendiz, it was the winds of fate that whisked the young Mexican farmer to the United States. Like other residents of the small town of Cerrito in the Costa Grande region of Guerrero state, Resendiz’s livelihood was shattered when Hurricane Tara tore a path of destruction in November 1961. Stripped of crops and jobs, some residents found relief in the Bracero Program of contract labor between Mexico and the United States.