
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Progress is like power. We know it when we see it and most of the time it is created by processes that go unnoticed and are hard to document. I’ve long argued that power gets created by numerous processes, some obvious like voting and others far less obvious like public recognition. Latino scholars and performers have long criticized the dearth of Latino actors in movies, television, and theater.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Repeat after me, GOP: “Marco Rubio will not be our savior with Latinos in the 2012 election.”</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; It has nothing to do with whether the U.S. senator from Florida lied about the year his parents came to the United States, though let’s pause on that for a moment anyway: It should be fully explored, as it goes to his credibility.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Earlier this month, the President’s jobs bill failed in the Senate. Now the White House intends to break up the bill and gin up sufficient Republican support to pass key pieces. “We will now work with Senator Reid to make sure that the individual proposals in this jobs bill get a vote as soon as possible,” said President Obama in a statement released shortly after the Senate vote.</p>

<p><strong>Program Director, American Friends Service Committee – San Diego</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Obama Administration officials this week touted their high record numbers of deportations – nearly 400,000 last fiscal year – as “smart and effective” law enforcement. It is neither.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Rather it reflects a precipitous loss of moral ground by a Washington political elite that has lost touch with the political realities of communities for which it is supposed to be representing.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Watching the Republican debate (desperately hoping for some light to shine through) about a third of the debate dealt with Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; The Cain 9-9-9 plan consists of the following:</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; A flat income tax of 9% regardless if you recycle bottles and plastics for a living or if you are Warren Buffet.</p>

<p><strong>America</strong><strong>’s Voice</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Mitt Romney, aspirante a la nominación presidencial republicana que por estos días le huye a la reforma migratoria como el diablo a la cruz, seleccionó al ex Secretario de Comercio, Carlos Gutiérrez, uno de los negociadores de una propuesta de reforma migratoria bajo la administración de George W. Bush, como jefe del equipo asesor de su campaña en asuntos comerciales.</p>