
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; La razón principal por la que Pearl Quiñones es candidata al Distrito 79 de la asamblea estatal es para asegurar la educación de los niños del Condado de San Diego, en especial aquellos que viven en el sur del condado.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; “Mi deseo principal es restablecer los devastadores recortes que Sacramento ha hecho a la educación”, dijo Quiñones. “La educación abre la puerta de la oportunidad para nuestra juventud y adultos”.</p>


<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In recent weeks there have been several advertisings stating that Assemblymember Mary Salas casted the deciding vote to release violent offenders and sexual predators.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Nothing can be farther from the truth, said Salas, who is running for the 40th&nbsp;State Senate District, which includes parts of San Diego, Riverside, and Imperial counties. The elections are on Tuesday, June 8.</p>


<p>New America Media<strong></strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; If you’ve turned on the television recently, you’ve probably seen an ad for Proposition 16, the initiative put on the ballot by Pacific Gas and Electric, which would make it more difficult for local governments to get into the power businesses.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; To date, PG&amp;E has spent $25 million on the campaign and has pledged $10 million more before the June 8 election.</p>