
<p>El Distrito 8 de la Ciudad de San Ysidro, históricamente ha sido considerado el distrito “latino” en la ciudad.</p>
<p>Desde que fue fundado, todos los regidores de este distrito han sido latinos.</p>
<p>El Distrito 8 incluye comunidades como Barrio Logan, Sherman Heights, y al sur, San Ysidro, Otay Mesa y Nestor.</p>

<p>Laredo, Texas, with a population of 250,000 now has the distinction of being the largest city in the nation without a bookstore. B. Dalton’s bookstore shut its doors for good on January 16th. Put another tombstone in the predominantly Hispanic south side of San Antonio now that Waldenbooks has left, leaving no bookstore for miles.</p>
<p>We’re not looking for pity here in Texas, but we are waiting for Republican leaders to recognize that this is an economic crisis of our own making.</p>

<p><strong>Shafter, CA</strong> – As the March for California’s Future left Bakersfield, marchers trudged past almond trees just breaking into their spring blooms. From Shafter and Wasco across dozens of miles to the west, white and pink petals have turned the ground rosy, while branches overhead are dusted with the delicate green of new leaves.</p>

Voters’ Ballot Information for the Oceanside Special Municipal Recall Election December 8, Read more…
