
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; This summer we’ve seen wild swings in the stock market, a last-minute debt deal, and even a rocking east coast earthquake. But one thing we haven’t seen – from Memorial Day to Labor Day – is any improvement in the economy.</p>

<p>Texas Gov. Rick Perry wants to be the next president of the United States. He announced his candidacy on Saturday and has since campaigned like an angry bull cornered by a Matador, no-holds barred–even going so far as to seem to threaten bodily harm to the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, Ben Bernanke. This approach may help win him the nomination, but it also will help lose him the White House.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Un grupo de líderes comunitarios que representan una diversidad de voces se reunió el 8 de junio para mostrar su apoyo a un nuevo distrito de mayoría latina en el cabildo de la ciudad de San Diego.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; El nuevo distrito propuesto utilizaría a City Heights como la base, un lugar donde la mayoría es de origen latino.</p>

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A group of community leaders representing a diversity of voices met on June 8 to show its support for a new Latino-majority district in the San Diego City Council.</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The proposed new district would use the diverse area of City Heights as the foundation of this second majority-Latino district.</p>

<p><strong>Frontera NorteSur</strong></p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Five years ago, hundreds of thousands and perhaps millions of people marched in big cities and small towns across the US demanding justice for the nation’s estimated 12 million undocumented residents. Hitting a high point with work stoppages on May Day 2006, the pro-immigrant protest was the largest social movement in the US since the civil rights and anti-Vietnam War years.</p>