Tezozomoc Speaks

tezzyTurns out that running for office is out of the question unless you can raise over $100,000 to start with… damn that leaves most of us out in the cold… only those folks who have already sold their sole can raise that amount of money….


With a little less than a year to go some candidates are already reporting $160,000, $300,000, $120,000 and on and on it goes…. It is getting to where you need to raise a half a million dollars and in some cases a million dollars to run for office…. Too rich for this poor Indio!!!


This tid bit a couple of weeks old but still good: State Senator John Moorlach (R-Costa Mesa) forgot himself when introducing the new, female, Mexican Consul General for Scramento as “hot.” Clearly a lack of respect here. Moorlach much be one of those Cro-Magnon who only see women as sex objects….


Steve Miesen of Chula Vista, the appointed representative who is a temporary fill-in and who misses a lot of votes due to a conflict of interest issues, is hosting a coffee clutch for the citizens… some are wondering if this is more for his aide Jason Paguio who appears to be Miesen’s prodigy and the future candidate to replace Miesen…


One observation made about council aide Paguio is that he sure dresses the part of a future candidate, they even say his gold cuff links are so big that if the sun hits them just right the shine off them will blind you….


In 2014 Sweetwater Authority got a proposal passed that would increase the water rates annually for the next five years without any public input…. Apparently the rate increases laid out back then wasn’t enough to cover their lavish spending so now, less than a year later, the Authority is going back to the voters to ask for even more money, more money, from the ratepayers…. Ay caramba!!! And guess who is going to get stuck with the biggest increase… the poor!!!


If you want to see Congressman Juan Vargas, or one of his aides, be prepared to sign a CASEWORK AND PRIVACY AUTHORIZATION FORM, per Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. § 552). Folks are wondering if indicted millionaire José Susumo Azano Matsura had to fill out a “privacy authorization form?” What happened to the good old days when your representative used to have an open door policy??? Now you have fill out forms just to have a conversation…. Then again if you have a contribution to make you can just walk right on in….


An interesting tid-bit from the Department of Justice regarding the Privacy Act of 1974: “the Act’s imprecise language, limited legislative history, and somewhat outdated regulatory guidelines have rendered it a difficult statute to decipher and apply. Moreover, even after more than forty years of administrative and judicial analysis, numerous Privacy Act issues remain unresolved or unexplored.”
