Tezozomoc Speaks

tezzyLouie Natividad has gone and done it… he announced his candidacy for Mayor of National City. This guy has so many personal issues it is incomprehensible that he has time or the energy to run. Wasn’t it just a couple of months ago an email was sent out on his behalf seeking donations from the community because he lost his retirement funds to a swindler???? And that is not the whole of it, the email went on stating he need funds for an air conditioner, etcetera… Now he wants to be mayor… Heaven help us if he wins!!!

Then again this is National City and it is not what you know, but who you know and Louie knows everybody… he has as good a chance as anybody…

It has been noted that the welding class at Sweetwater High, in the multi-million dollar building, can’t open due to a cracked cement floor….evidently repairs have been slow in coming. This just another problem for that school, first it was the bleachers that had improper bolts that had be replaced, then a wavey floor in the gym, cracked floor in the foyer at the entrance of the school and now this… que lastima!

Talk about having a set of cojones…. Penelope Cruz, Javier Bardem, and two time Academy Award winning director Pedro Almodovar all signed a letter denouncing the “Genocide” taking place in Gaza and called for an end to the violence… Hollywood is the domain of the Jewish producers et al which means that these three will probably never make another movie in the US.

Last word on Morones: the past several weeks Morones has been detailing the tons of humanitarian supplies collected, in the first couple of weeks 40 tons and then within a couple of days it jumped to 50 tons…. Wow a minor miracle… 3 weeks, give or take, to collect, package, and distribute! To put this in perspective the country of Russia shipped 50 tons of supplies to the East Coast after hurricane Sandy…
