Tezozomoc Speaks

tezzyWhew it has been a long time, but with all the election stuff going on, el jefe just hasn’t had the time or the space to put out a Tezzy column!!! But now that the elections are over and we have all this juicy gossip….

National City voters, voted for a 1 cent tax for no apparent reason, other than to fulfill the fantasies of Mayor Morrison… and yes he is still mayor… Louie Natividad did not give him much of a fight.. . how is it that a city that is 70% Hispanic that a Hispanic candidate can’t even mount a credible fight against a gringo… que lastima!!!

Speaking of credible fights, this looks this is the political end for City Councilman Rudy Ramirez. Ramirez ran for CV elementary school board against a novice, retired teacher and got his butt handed to him. Leslie Bunker received 61% of the vote… of course it didn’t help Ramirez any that he didn’t know anything about the issues with the district…. His one famous line from the campaign was in response to a question that ‘this is one time size does matter!’ He thought he was being cute, folks in the seats were embarrassed by it.

At the same education debate it was observed that Pam Smith, outgoing board member, was texting answers to her son Joshua Smith who was running to replace his mother… Maybe Ms. Smith shouldn’t have sat next to the wife of one of the candidates who saw the whole thing….

Congratulations to Kevin Pike for winning seat 2 for Sweetwater Board, but the question is who is Pike, this is one candidate who was pretty low key and nobody really saw as a top contender who beat some pretty tough candidates. He knocked off Adrian Arancibia, Kevin O’Neill, and Dana Toogood!!! Could this been a bit of an anti-hispanic vote here, coupled with the fact that the democrats in the race split the vote, with Pike winning with what… the Republican vote??? Or just the fact he is a good guy! quien sabe!

Speaking of Toogood looks like she did not take campaign class 101… Toogood owns several sandwich stores and offered a free sandwich to anyone who proved they voted…. Toogood that was toobad… you can’t do that… she may get her hand slapped for that one.

On a South Bay Irrigation water board slate of candidates being pushed by Jose Preciado all lost their campaign… looks like Jose is going to suffer through another term of Teresa Thomas and newly elected member Steve Castaneda…..

Folks in Escondido mighty upset that the Unions came out and actively campaigned against Olga Diaz, Democrat, in favor of Sam Abed…. What were they thinking???? Not that it made much of a difference….

Talk about safe seats every one of the state seats, Assembly and State Senate, won easly. Lorena Gonzalez did even have a challenger…. Something wrong here when there are no viable choices for the voters.

Lastly, with the election of Salas as mayor this creates an open seat on the council does this mean the newly passed Prop B goes into effect the first of the year allowing for an appointment to fill the seat???? Rumor has it that Salas promised Humberto Peraza the seat… wonder what the rest of the city council has to say about that!!!
