Tezozomoc Speaks

tezzyThese are just a few of our favorite Tezzys for 2014:

Politics can be weird. In New York one city council candidate who lost to the incumbent, not once but three times, claims in a lawsuit that she lost the last election due to a hex put on her by the councilmember. As the story goes the council member commissioned a mural for her district and the disgruntled loser stated that the mural was a form of Santeria used to hex her… Jan 24

Saving the bacon of NC city councilman Luis Natividad is becoming a cottage industry… this week an email was sent out saying that Natividad lost his retirement nest egg and the family was looking for legal help…. okay… then the email went on the say that they also needed an air conditioner, new windows, carpets, and on and on…. say what??? If this was a one time thing, maybe… but in 2013 David Valladoid wanted to step up a monthly contribution stream to help with Luis’ expenses, and a few years before that there was a call to help offset medical expenses with a fundraiser at the Centro???? March 21

Did you see the Cesar Chavez movie??? if you didn’t you were one of the many… only $2.8 million in tickets sold on the opening weekend and it went down hill from there… by Wed the total had only climb to $3.5 million… by next weekend it will be on Netflix. April 4

Hijole: sure have been getting a lot of press releases about new bike paths around town, heard that the bike path in the Mission Valley area cost over a million dollars and lots of years to complete… big deal the communities of Barrio Logan and East San Diego have been wait a whole lot of years for just plain old sidewalks and street lamps in their neighborhoods…. May 23

Interesting isn’t it, that the new sworn in board of trustees for Sweetwater are ALL WHITE!!! In a district that at least 60% Hispanic (if not more) you would think they would have found it prudent to appoint at least one Hispanic representative….. But Noooo… guess they couldn’t fine one qualified person???? June 13

Quite a few folks pretty upset over the recent comments made by Enrique Morones when he threw community activist under the bus. In a recent UT interview praising the Border Patrol for their “compassion” with the recent children influx, Morones, never one to turn down an interview opportunity, stated: “Some people, for the first time, are seeing the human side of the Border Patrol. They’re human beings just like anybody else.” He went on to say “Are there incidents when they’ve been abusive? There’s incidents when activists have been abusive…” Hijole, Morones can you name one time where an activists has shot, killed, tazared, beat, rape, unlawfully arrested, anyone???? July 18

Ben Hueso joins a long list of drunk legislators… of course Hueso wasn’t the only one drinking that day in the capitol building but he was the one dumb enough to go out driving… nothing wrong with having one too many but to compound the problem??? His buddy Lorena Gonzalez was there, she took the photo of Ben and buddies drinking, why didn’t she help a brother out??? Sept 12

Anti-immigrant, anti-Obama extremist group Operation American Freedom (OAF), went to the White House this week to protest the immigration legislation, but as it turned out mostly to protest and show their hate for President Obama shouting such epithas as “evict the negro from the White House.” Yep race relations have come a long way baby…. Dec 12, 2014
