Tezozomoc Speaks

tezzyProblems piling up of interim CV City Council person Steve Miesen: not only does he have to deal with the on-going conflict of interest issues but now the FPPC is investigating him for stock disclosure (or lack of) on form 700…

CV City Councilwoman Pat Aguilar was prophetic when explaining her second of Miesen and her reservations that this appointment might look bad, from a perception point of view, for the city, to bad she didn’t take heed of her own words…. It has gone way beyond perception to actuality, the city leaders handling of this whole appointment process has to be labeled a mitigated mess….

The Board of Ethics will meet on March 11, Wednesday. To start dealing with the Ethic complaints filed by local residents regarding the Miesen appoint at 5:15 p.m., City Hall Complex, 276 4th Ave., Bldg A, Conference Room C-101.

San Diego’s newest Bishop, Robert McElroy, is under fire from SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests who are asking questions about his actions and inactions in recent San Francisco predator priest situation. The big questions are why he didn’t do anything in the form of discipline and the lack of any pro-active action to discourage clergy sex abuse… good questions!

It barely registered on the Chicano political Richter scale but the Republican Party held a convention in Sacramento this past weekend where Chris Christie Governor of New Jersey was the headliner. His basic message was that you don’t have to make up your mind this early as to who will be standard bearer for the Republican Party…. Good thing if they don’t, it might give Christie time to catch up with the leaders.

Reason why the Republican convention didn’t register with Chicano and Hispanos is because there weren’t any Chicanos or Hispanos in attendance… just highlights the problem the Republicans have with the Hispanic voter!!!

Jeb Bush got into the Presidential race and Marco Rubio suddenly dropped from the national scene… you just don’t hear that much from him anymore. With Bush in the race Rubio couldn’t even carry Florida his home state where Bush served as governor… could this be end for Rubio’s Presidential aspirations???? I think so!
