El Chicano, Herman Baca, wins one from the man. Baca’s questioning of illegal service charge forces the city of National City to pay back the $10.50 they were charging for processing businesses licenses. If Baca hadn’t said anything National City would have continued on with this illegal charge, that you could have counted on. Seems that the local business owe Baca at least a beer. Every Friday afternoon at the shop you can usually catch of a couple of veteranos chatting over a cool one.

If the border patrol agents don’t have enough to do stopping the drug flow now they have another mission, stopping the import of chicharrones. Seems the health department has a problem with them…. who knows, the drug war is failure, pretty sure the war on chicharrones is yet another war they won’t win…

Gringos crying about the unemployment numbers reaching 10%… they ought to count their luck stars they aren’t Hispanic. Hispanic unemployment exceeds 12% in Arizona, Connecticut, Florida, New Jersey and New York and 17.6% in California. The state with the highest unemployment amongst Hispanics — Nevada with 22.2%.

There are always ways to make money: Former gang member Alfred Lomas has started his  LA Gang Tours, offering tourists a bus tour through South Los Angeles and insight into LA’s gang history. Hey, maybe if they are lucky, they will get to see drive by shooting, staged of course kind of like they do with those old western reenactments. Want to sign for the next tour: www.lagangtours.com

It was  recently announced that Mar Vista High School will spend $11.6 million on their modernization project, couple this with the $12 million plus spent on the gym new a couple of years ago and comes out to a cool $24 million. But shouldn’t it have been the other way around, first the modernization then the gym??? Priorities!!!

With the first reporting period for the candidates mark the official beginning of the election season… and the big winner among first time Hispanic candidates is, drum roll…, Humberto Peraza. Seems he pulled in a cool $45k. David Alvarez running for Dist. 8 says he raised $35K.

The one candidate who we thought would have more to show for all her work is Lori Saldaña who only raised $23k. This is not a very good showing for a sitting assemblymember; at this rate she will be a non-factor in her race for County Board of Supervisors.
