State Democrats have been receiving kudos for finally taking a stand on an issue!!! The issue is the appointment of Sen. Abel Maldonado as Lt. Governor…. Por favor this is a stand for nada… what does it mean, the post of Lt. Governor is a no nothing position, as is this so called stand by the Democrats to block his appointment…. a nothing stand.

When are the Democrats going to take a stand on something important like education, or health services…. Republicans have to be chuckling to themselves with this pseudo stand, only making the Democrats look like armatures!

Nativo Lopez, National President of MAPA, in Los Angeles, hard charging Chicano went before mental competency hearing this past week to determine if he is competent to understand the nature of the legal proceedings against him??? Lopez is facing voter fraud charges.

Chula Vista city councilman Steve Castaneda final filed his papers to run for mayor. About time, people were wondering if this was ever was going to happen…. by the way whatever happened with the lawyer’s report that the city farmed out at the cost of $200 per hour. It has been several months now, that tab must be piling up pretty high by now….

Muy Macho is out in Mexico City. On March 4 same sex couples can start marrying…

Political season up and running. El jefe getting calls from up and down the state to interview candidates, the latest, Assemblyman Pedro Nava running for Attorney General. Haven’t heard from the locals Ben Hueso nor Juan Vargas, que paso homdres, sooner or later you gotta talk with La Prensa….

Frontpage story about cities targeting Hispanics and towing their cars for profit not exactly old news…. City of Chula Vista pulled this fast one el jefe!! Complained to police department about this abuse but it fell on deaf years… this happend about 3 years ago, little thing about expired registration cost over $500 big ones. It used to be they would give you a fix it ticket….

Of course this is standard practice in Escondido been going on for years now…

National City has a little different spin on this practice, instead of traffic stops they are sending the motor cops into the neighborhoods and ticketing cars that been moved in 72 hours, heaven forbid you go on a two week vacation or get sick….

Speaking of National City, have you noticed the mile cars is down to half-a-mile. That extra tax, on top of the bad economy, is killing the car business… who in their right minds would buy a car in National City when you go a couple of miles and save 2-3 hundred dollars, or more on the expensive cars…

Natiional City considering putting in Red Light cameras, the logic being that the city needs the money….
