U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter, son of retired Congressman of the same name, blurted out at a Tea Party that he would support deporting American born children, because they happen to be born to Mexicans… que pendejo; not only is it un-constitutional but more important his grandmother is rolling around in her grave – she volunteered for many years in a  Barrio Logan clinic helping many of these young children to better health and a better life….

    Teachers at Southwestern College were might peeved at the school board a couple of months ago, mad enough to mount a recall effort, but not mad enough to see it through. The recall committee had till the 20th of April to turn in their petitions…. but they were a no show…. seems they couldn’t muster enough volunteers, money, or support.

    Qué pasó with our Chicano/Hispano leaders in San Diego? you have Arizona Representative Raúl M. Grijalva who first called for the boycott speaking out, political leaders from Sacramento to Los Angeles speaking out and calling for a boycott but nothing coming out of San Diego. Mary Salas, Ben Hueso, Denise Ducheny, Olga Diaz, Steve Castaneda… isn’t it better to stand on your feet and speak out, than to live on your knees (with our apologies to Zapata). The only one to make a public statement, sort of, was gringo Filner….

    Hard to believe that Primary elections are in a little over a month away but you would be hard pressed to tell. Not a whole lot of campaigning going on and not the usual array of yard signs you would normally see at this time of the year… guess most of the candidates are running stealth campaigns, or switching over to the new social networking system…. for us old folks we still believe in the good old smoke signal… haven’t got the twetter thing yet…

    Chula Vista Elementary School District Superintendent Lowell Billings sent out a letter this week announcing his retirement effective date December. If you are a teacher this is good news, they are tired of butting heads with him during contract negotiations.

    May Day Marcha: Chicano activists will meet in Chicano Park Saturday at 11am for a rally to be followed by a march to the downtown San Diego federal building. Up until a week ago this year’s May Day march hadn’t attracted much attention, now watch out should be one hell of a marcha…
