It has been reported that Calaca Press, the only Chicano book publisher in San Diego is no longer. Seems it is a casualty of the divorce between the owners. Calaca Press had a unique presences in San Diego and will be missed… qué lástima. Tezzy weeps a bit over this…

   Now that the US Census count is winding down Luis Natividad took out papers to run for his old seat on the National City, city council. Luis, qué pasó con la race for mayor???

   In good old Chula Vista looks like Pamela Bensoussan is trying to create her own little dynasty in the city, getting the Democratic Party to line up behind her son as he sets out to run for South Bay Irrigation District. You can also include Jose Preciado and Mitch Thompson also on board with this effort.

   Political flip-flopping at its worst: Richard Barrera president of the San Diego Unified School Board vowed to put a parcel tax on the November ballot to fix the woes of the school district, then flipped on it when, after wheeling and dealing with the mayor, decided to kill the deal, then flopped on it and decided to go ahead and put the tax on the ballot. Wow all this in one short week. Talk about killing a deal before it even gets out of the box… who’s going to vote for this now???

   Chicanos/Hispanos in Escondido up in arms over ICE agents now riding along with Escondido police department. The city of Escondido just doesn’t like Hispanics, they will try anything to keep the Hispanic community down, from running police stops in Hispanic communities, to trying to keep Hispanics from renting homes… You don’t have to go to Arizona to find xenophobia… we have it right here in the North County.

   Carmen Miranda in Escondido is trying to bring about change in Escondido working with the newly formed Democratic Party up there. Got the party to look into this policy of ICE ride along and are drafting a letter for the city council opposing this. Carmen is throwing her sombrero into the race for city council. If you want to help/support her or just get to know her, check out her web site at: www.Carmenmirandanow.com

            Chula Vista Elementary School District has a new superintendent, Dr Francisco Escobedo, currently assistant superintendent at South Bay Union School District. Escobedo could be a good hire, no se, but the hiring process a bit closed. Parents only got to provide input on what kind of Super they would like to see hired, but no community interaction with any of the actual candidates… Escobedo was the only candidate recommended for hire, kind of limits community’s preference when you only have one choice…
