We don’t know who Russell Coronado, Chula Vista Elementary board member, is trying to fool, but his decision not to vote on the selection of the new superintendent, saying it was a conflict of interest… didn’t fool many. Nice that he didn’t vote but there was only one candidate, kind of a mute point considering Coronado, an employee of the candidate, picked and only recommended this one candidate…. 

   If Coronado didn’t want any issue with a conflict of interest then he should have excused himself from interviewing his boss for this job…  guess Coronado will get a pretty nice final review from his old boss…. 

   Well there goes Coronado’s integrity and credibility, just another politician!!! 

   News came out about all the money water board members make by attending community meetings, going to street fairs, or conferences during the year. One Sweetwater water board member made $25,000. Relatively new board member Jose Preciado took in a cool $12,000 extra, but he took solace in the fact that he was at the bottom scale of those taking advantage of the perks…. that is like saying I am not as bad as the other thieves because I only stole a little… 

   National City mayor, Ron Morrison hard at work running for re-election advertising in the Penny Saver…. Kind a funny, he believes the best way to reach the voters in National City is through the Penny Saver???
