Russell Coronado is confused and looking for answers. Coronado announced his move to North County and not sure what to do about his seat on the Chula Vista Elementary School Board. Here is a suggestion, don’t delay in vacating your seat, do it now and let the voters decide in Nov., on your replacement. The longer you wait you’ll miss the election date and in all likelihood then becomes yet another appointment…

   CV elementary school board doesn’t see any problem with the board meeting before the regular school board meeting to “ask questions” of the Superintendent while they all sit around munching on goodies at the tax payers expense. In two years this board has voted unanimously all issues, except one, the one exception was on the order of things not a biggie… In the old days this board would be called a rubber stamp… hell today we call it a rubber stamp…

   Talk about taking it in the shorts: San Diego water users are going to have pay more for their water so that broken and old pipes can be replaced. Of course this should have been taken care of a long time ago, but the city decided they needed a downtown ballpark instead… Now the residents have to pay a defacto tax for a ballpark that not all that many people seem to be going too…

   Not to be out done the Otay Water Board raised the water rates for its customers by 5.6% this week. Guess the board needed to pay for all their junkets and extra perks. Jose Preciado didn’t seem to have a problem with the tax/rate increase; at least Ron Morrision had enough sense to vote against the tax.

   Crossroads II seems a bit peeved over a public relations contract associated with the future building going on at Southwestern College. Crossroaders are calling this a waste of taxpayer money… okay… hopefully they will go after the Sweetwater school board and the South Bay school board who all have PR support with their building projects… they must be wasting taxpayer money too… right?
