Hijole, La Prensa web page is muy, muy popular seems el jefe needs to buy more bandwidth, too many people logging on at the same time shut the site down. Come guys it is up all week spread it around a bit….

   Outgoing Sweetwater general manager, Mark Rogers, made good use with his last message to the rate payers in part saying: I don’t suffer bullies, liars, or cowards very well. They are present in your employee ranks, in elected positions, and in your community. They should be recognized as thieves and glory seekers who selfishly manipulate others into steering the good ship Sweetwater toward the rocks for their own hateful motives or personal gain.

   This guy could write for tezzy anytime…. Tezzy wonders if he was including Jose Preciado in this comment???? Just wondering Crossroad members don’t think too much of him (check out the letter in El Foro on page 7).

   One last Preciado Tezzy:

   Tax man cometh, Preciado who has already voted to raise Chula Vista water rates last month, is now on board to raise mobile phone rates, they don’t like to call them a tax but that is what they are – a tax. Preciado wrote his gal pal Mayor Cox in support of the tax so he can have more parks in his city…. Don’t know where all these people who are scrimping to get by as it is, is going to come up with more to pay these taxes??? Maybe after they lose their home they can sleep in the park???

   If the city of Chula Vista wants to make some money they should fine all those politicians who are illegally posting their signs on city property. They seem pretty cavalier about it this time around, it may be that the city doesn’t have the resources to keep the proliferation of political signs in check.

   Meg Whittman is holding her own with Jerry Brown, not bad for novice, costing her a cool 100 million or so, but in the big picture merrily a drop in the old check book bucket when you are worth a billion. Seems like state politics has become the playground for millionaires.

Que paso con los Padres, looks like they have run out steam…..
