Juan Vargas has been in office all of one month and already he is earning awards. Seems that CDF Firefighters are enamored with all that he did in during his first week in office earning him the distinction of legislature of the year… we wonder what he did to earn such an award… quien sabe…

    Looks like it is going to be the year of the anti-Hispanic movement and not wasting any time is our favorite city to avoid… Escondido. Seems that Charros are no longer welcome in that city after they received an eviction notice stopping them from holding their events. The Charro organization has been there over 40 years on the site that has been designated a horse park. The city says they are going to build something there.

    How is it that the majority of the population in Escondido is Hispanic, but they have no say in what goes on in their city???? All we can say is you better register to vote and then vote!! Word is that councilwoman Olga Diaz is not going to run for re-election, me thinks she is tired of butting heads with the like of Mayor Abed, and then there will be no Hispanic voice….

            Southwestern College has a new board and is looking for a new president so far so good…. let us hope that Greg Sandoval doesn’t make the cut… fear out in the community is that Sandoval is the heir apparent which always draws a groan… let’s hope the board can see the big picture and do what is best for the college…
